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Stand Up Events partnered with Monash University to conduct world-first research into the best approaches to change homophobic behaviour in youth sport.


We worked with Monash University to develop and test the effectiveness of preventative programs and to proactively share the results with others around the world.


Stand Up Events has worked directly with experts from three departments at Monash University, including the Director of the Behaviour Science Laboratory, researchers from the School of Education, and Monash University’s behaviour institute, BehaviourWorks.


Nearly a dozen researchers from across Monash have also contributed to the project.

Stand Up Events receives guidance from experts in other countries through Monash University's global network. This includes researchers at Penn State University and the University of Warwick (UK).

The research is complete and the report reveals important insights that will help us work to create change.

Up to 50% of trans people have actually attempted suicide at least once in their lives.

LGBTIQ people have the highest rates of suicidality of any population in Australia. Being 4-5 times more likely to suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.

The elevated risk of mental ill-health and suicidality among LGBTIQ people is not due to sexuality, sex or gender identity in and of themselves but rather due to discrimination and exclusion as key determinants of health.

Approximately 50% of adult trans Australians experience verbal abuse, social exclusion and having rumours spread about them. A third have been threatened with violence, with 19% having been physically attacked (and a similar number reporting discrimination by the police), 11% experience obscene mail and phone calls and damage to personal property. 64% modify their behaviour due to fear of stigmatization and discrimination.31 49% of trans respondents to a NSW study reported having been sexually assaulted.

The mental health of LGBTIQ people is among the poorest in Australia.

Up to 80% of same-sex attracted and gender questioning young Australians experience public insult, 20% explicit threats and 18% physical abuse and 26% ‘other’ forms of homophobia (80% of this abuse occurs at school).


These are some not-so-fun facts that are aligned with the LGBTIQ Community. They are harrowing and things needs to change.

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